Grief will do a number on you. When my grandma died it threw me off in a lot of ways I hadn’t expected grief could even interfere. I lost a good friend because of my behavior changes. I suddenly decided to lose a lot of weight (which of itself wasn’t bad but I regained it and it’s been a bit of a stone in my shoe ever since). And I have endless words of poetry about missing her. Grief is absolutely a valid reason to need a break. I’m still grieving 🤍

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Maybe the grief is never supposed to end, we only get better at "living" with it? This was beautiful - thank you for sharing! <3

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Sep 17Liked by Jade Eby

Love you Jade ♥️

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Love you, too!

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Friend, I am so sorry for your losses. A friend and an elder, even if at different times--there is no good time or easy way to get through these things. I am glad you've been able to take time to heal and to re-center in solitude, and I'm excited for what comes next for you.

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Thanks, Toni! I so appreciate your beautiful brain and support!

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Jade, I'm so sorry you're having such a crappy year. I've had my first real "intro to grief" this year and have only just learned how much it changes... creativity, relationships, energy, focus, willingness to be in the world and around others. Everything can just... blow up. Thank you so much for sharing this – especially the part about feeling “behind” or “failing” when really, so much evolution is happening. Post-traumatic growth is a fascinating thing. I'm so looking forward to what you create and share next ❤️

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Oh Lucy <3 This comment is everything. Thank you so much!

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(> ^_^ )>

{{{great big hug}}}

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Girlfriend, I love you.

You amaze me. You astound me. You are so young to be so wise. I hold you with grace. On a more human, less evolved level, call if you want to scream.

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