Jade, have you made this into an ebook? I think it's incredibly valuable and a great idea that could sell to a wider audience!

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Hey Toni! So good to hear from you -- I miss seeing your beautiful face on the regular! And yes -- that is the whole idea -- I'm writing the essays as the first draft FOR an ebook ;) Once it's done, I plan to package it up and put it out as an ebook. It felt a lot less intimidating and new experiment-ish way to write a book. So I'm glad you made the connection!

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Jade, I miss seeing your beautiful face, too! I can't wait to see this become a book - it's also just a brilliant, catchy brand.

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Jade, have you made this into an ebook? I think it's incredibly valuable and a great idea that could sell to a wider audience!

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Wow. I've been wanting to go back to school to get my masters for a long time, you have just given me a framework to do it myself and this could very well be life changing.

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Aww, Sandra! This is fantastic to hear. You absolutely can do it yourself and I'm excited to see how it works out for you! I have more chapters on designing your own Rebel MFA Degree coming out in the next few months, so hopefully those will be useful to you as well :)

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