This though: “is this creative gestation or avoidance?”

I loved the Arcane essay you linked to, and how you braided together these thoughts about inspiration and lack thereof — and how to know when it’s the good tension and not the traumatizing kind. I tend to run hot and heavy for a set of ideas until it starts to feel like I’m saying something that’s already been said, as if original thoughts are even possible 🙃 Your essay made me think, that’s my tension. And maybe my fear. That I’m not doing “enough” for the writing to be “enough.”

Damn. Lots to think about. Thank you, *thank you* for this.

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Aww, I'm so glad you found it valuable, Haley! You are spot on with "That I’m not doing “enough” for the writing to be “enough,”" which I think it's especially difficult for writers here on Substack as we have to learn to tune out the "noise" of things like how much other people are writing/publishing, growth, and the pressures of "paid."

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Mar 3Liked by Jade Eby

Your passion for writing is contagious and everpresent… even when speaking vulnerably about, “am I doing enough?” Love ALL of this!!! 🔥

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Aww thanks, Will! That means so much to me.

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