The Rebel MFA Way
The Rebel MFA Way Podcast
S1:E2 - Why 1923 is Terrifying to Watch

S1:E2 - Why 1923 is Terrifying to Watch

And Why Taylor Sheridan is a Genius Storyteller

Why was 1923 so much harder to watch than 1883 or Yellowstone? What about the show has compelled me to speak so passionately about it? Well, Taylor Sheridan is 3 for 3 with shows now, and I guess it was time to profess my love. In this episode, I break down how much his 3 pronged approach to storytelling impressed me and why of all of his shows in the “Yellowstone” universe, 1923 broke me the most.

I think it’s also important to acknowledge something that I preach to my students routinely about the power of fiction. It endures.

When everything else about humanity seems to crumble or fall around us… fiction remains. It endures. It stands firm in the face of reality because within the pages of a story is the truth. It always has been. You just have to be willing to listen.

And what Taylor has done with 1923 is make a statement. Whether or not he wants to come out and say it boldly or admit that’s what he’s done — make no mistake… that is what he’s done. He’s said, “we will not forget what we’ve done to you. We will not forget what you’ve been through.”

That’s the power of story.

It endures.

The Rebel MFA Way
The Rebel MFA Way Podcast
Welcome to The Rebel MFA Way Podcast with host Jade Eby and most often, her friends. This is a casual conversational based podcast where ordinary people living ordinary lives talk about topics that are important and relevant to us and the world in a both / and approach. A no frills, no bs, all truth-based podcast — we don’t skimp on talking about hard things but we don’t forget to laugh, either. Join us as we embark on a new adventure in podcasting where conversational connection is always the focus of the episodes.